United States and Massachusetts Constitutions 6.3. Functions of State and National Government 6.2. The Structure of Massachusetts State and Local Government 6.1. Significant Supreme Court Decisions Topic 6. Madison and the Principle of Judicial Review 5.6. Civil Rights and Equal Protection for Race, Gender, and Disability 5.5. Constitutional Issues Related to the Civil War, Federal Power, and Individual Civil Rights 5.4. The Constitution, Amendments, and Supreme Court Decisions 5.1. Public and Private Interest Groups, PACs, and Labor Unions Topic 5. Political Courage and Those Who Affirmed or Denied Democratic Ideals 4.12. Liberty in Conflict with Equality or Authority 4.11. Cooperation Between Individuals and Elected Leaders 4.9.

Leadership and the Qualities of Political Leaders 4.8. Voting and Citizen Participation in the Political Process 4.6. Fundamental Principles and Values of American Political and Civic Life 4.5. Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens and Non-Citizens 4.3. The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens 4.1. The Roles of the Congress, the President, and the Courts 3.4. Checks and Balances Between the Branches of Government 3.3.

Branches of the Government and the Separation of Powers 3.2. Institutions of United States Government 3.1. Articles of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights Topic 3. Debates between Federalists and Anti-Federalists 2.5. The Revolutionary Era and the Declaration of Independence 2.2. The Development of the United States Government 2.1. British Influences on American Government 1.5. Enlightenment Thinkers and Democratic Government 1.4. The Government of the Roman Republic 1.3. The Philosophical Foundations of the United States Political System 1.1. Begin Reading Introduction Table of Contents with Critical Media Literacy Connections Updates & Latest Additions Learning Pathway: Racial Justice and Black Lives Matter Learning Pathway: Influential Women Learning Pathway: Student Rights Learning Pathway: Elections 2020, 2022, & 2024 Learning Pathway: Current Events Learning Pathway: Critical Media Literacy Teacher-Designed Learning Plans Topic 1.